Wednesday, October 23, 2013

What is the point of this?

What is the point of this? I realized that as I start to blog about myself, I need to keep Jesus in the main focus.  I want to make sure that as I grow through this exercise, that the only true growth is getting closer to God.

It is very easy to focus on myself during this and to try to give myself credit for making changes to my "methods" of communicating.  However, what I want to keep in mind that as I continue, as I hear more of how I speak to others, I need to let God lead my heart to sin areas in my life that need fixing.  I need to realize that as we see the truth about ourselves, it is God revealing another part of our life we need to give to Him.

It is a great thing that we experience progressive sanctification.  Think back to a time when a boss/teacher/coach/spouse or friend unloaded a list of all the things wrong with you or something you did at the same time.  It is nearly impossible to deal with such a list or even accept all the things pointed out to you. God treats us the same way.  He reveals things to us slowly so that we can have a heart change and not just behaviour modification.

As I listen to how I argue, I am starting to hear things about how I say something that is not really that effective.  I also tend to unload a list.  Again, stemming from my need to purge an entire topic all at once, I have a terrible "is this worth it" filter.  Even tonight, I received an email from a vendor on the west coast.  It was nothing like the conversation I had with them earlier today, however, since they were still working, I picked up the phone and dealt with it.  Not because it was all that pressing, but because it frustrated me and I wanted a resolution tonight.

I have to learn to step away from situations and accept a wait it out mentality, especially when something is non-essential.  Achieving this will allow me to think through my conversations before having them and hopefully, help me discern what is worth the words.

What are your guides for deciding what is worth the fight/conversations and when to just let it go?

Overall, I want to make sure I use this to bring Glory to God, to let the growth be spiritual heart growth, not behaviour modification and remind myself, it is because of our sin I am this way, but Praise God, our sin is dead and we are no longer slaves to it. Rom 6:14.  This means, that I can change for Gods Glory because it is HE who lives in me.


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