Sunday, October 20, 2013

Even if I am right

Day 2 or blog 2, I think I might start calling it by blog numbers, it will help it all make sense.  Interesting start to this whole thing as I decided to wear my pen on Saturday to take Odette to the Dr. and then we thought, to Trader Joe's.  Just to clear it up, Trader Joe's and Traderjoes, while when said, sound the same, are not the same points on a map and there is not a Trader Joe's in a business park, while there is a Traderjoes.  (If you didn't figure it out, we didn't make it to the grocery store).

Saturday started off pretty well, but given the short story above, tension started to get a little high in the car.  I have not had a chance to listen to much from the recording, except for one section where Amy and I got into a little tiff.  What I noticed from this is how mean I can sound.

While during this particular argument, it could be argued that I was the "victim" and was being treated un-fairly, however, it has started to occur(I have a long way to go) to me that it doesn't really matter.  When I heard how aggressive I sounded, it was kind of bothersome or  more of a "really?", did that argument warrant such a tone.

This has started the thought process of when is it ok to stand up and defend/correct/chastise someone when they are "wronging" you and further, what is the correct tone to assume?  I am curious what others use as a rule of thumb?  Especially in the heat of the moment?  I am quick to caution my tone with the girls, and I feel like a do a decent job of it.  That being said, why am I not as aggressively guarded with Amy or others?  Mostly Amy, because if yall are anything like me, there is a level of filter that you apply from complete stranger to family member.  We all have it, but with some, it is a little less obvious.

Not a lot to gleam from one set of recordings other than to ponder when is "stern Josh" justified and when is it not.  I am curious though, does anyone have any insight on standing up to your spouse from a nice position vs. stern?

Tomorrow will be my first day wearing it at work, I think it will be interesting.


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