This is a topic that I have written on a few times before, but have you ever wondered how you ended up where you are? Looked at others and wondered what decisions led them to the lifestyle they are currently leading.
It was that one cross road, they idea that it would be, "just this once" when you had that opportunity to chose the "red pill, or the blue pill". Why did you pick what you picked? Was it pressure from someone, the idea that it was going to benefit you or even, you knew it was not beneficial, but did it anyway?
Why do we do that? Why did we do that? Think about it. Good news, it can change. You can change. Don't let your past dictate your future. When repent and turn to Christ, we are given a new heart, new desires, new priorities. Don't let tomorrow be dictated by today.
Below is something I wrote back in 2010 regarding this same grain of thought.
When did you become you?
Have you ever stopped to think when you became yourself? What brought you to who you are right now? I was looking around the other day at people and then contrasting that to Emeline and wondered what brought them to that point in their life. At some point as Emeline grows, she is going to start making decisions. I am praying that early on she will find her Salvation with Christ and that will shape her thoughts and desires, but even so, as she grows she will start becoming Emeline the kid, teenager, then finally the adult.
What made you who you are? Think about yourself when you were a kid. Did you worry so much about what people think? What you were going to wear the next day, or what you were eating that night? All it took was a stuffed animal and a nightlight and all was well with the world. When did that stop being enough? When did that 1 decision lead to more "1 decisions" that brings you up to you as you read this? Is this what you imagined yourself to be? Are you the kind, innocent, person of your youth? Why not? Did one person urge you to make a bad choice that started it all. If you are someone who is always into trouble, think back to before you were, what happened? Why are you doing it now? I know that we are all fallen (Romans 3:23) but when did you become hateful, judgmental, proud, or conceded? When did you become kind, loving and compassionate? Have you lived your life the way you wanted to or the way God wants you to?
Who was today about, you or God? It is never too late to change, to turn (repent) from our selfish ways and desires and put our life into the hands of the Lord Jesus. If you do not like who you have become, you can be renewed in Christ.
Each decision you make can bring you closer to the person you wanted to be, or closer to the person you never thought you would be. It is strange to compare a kid next to an adult. They have it right. God wants us to have faith like a child. Why do we pervert that? Before you make that next choice, or follow through with that next decision. Stop for a min and think it through. Is this who you really wanted to become? Most importantly, is this who God wants me to be.
What made you who you are? Think about yourself when you were a kid. Did you worry so much about what people think? What you were going to wear the next day, or what you were eating that night? All it took was a stuffed animal and a nightlight and all was well with the world. When did that stop being enough? When did that 1 decision lead to more "1 decisions" that brings you up to you as you read this? Is this what you imagined yourself to be? Are you the kind, innocent, person of your youth? Why not? Did one person urge you to make a bad choice that started it all. If you are someone who is always into trouble, think back to before you were, what happened? Why are you doing it now? I know that we are all fallen (Romans 3:23) but when did you become hateful, judgmental, proud, or conceded? When did you become kind, loving and compassionate? Have you lived your life the way you wanted to or the way God wants you to?
Who was today about, you or God? It is never too late to change, to turn (repent) from our selfish ways and desires and put our life into the hands of the Lord Jesus. If you do not like who you have become, you can be renewed in Christ.
Each decision you make can bring you closer to the person you wanted to be, or closer to the person you never thought you would be. It is strange to compare a kid next to an adult. They have it right. God wants us to have faith like a child. Why do we pervert that? Before you make that next choice, or follow through with that next decision. Stop for a min and think it through. Is this who you really wanted to become? Most importantly, is this who God wants me to be.
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