Tuesday, January 6, 2015


Well, I'm a week in and I'm writing my second blog.  It's been an interesting several days.  A not so great New Years surprise within my family has really kicked my brain into overdrive.  It is interesting how little control we really have over our life.  When things happen that help bring that to our attention, we are forced to look back to the One who does have the control, God.

As I realize I have little control in what happens on a daily basis, I've decided to put more control in my life.  Yeah I know, not a lot of sense in that one.  I was thinking on how I wanted to fulfill my resolutions to make changes in my life and I came back to my high school days. During marching band season, when I had the least amount of time to accomplish school work or other items, I did the most, including maintaining higher grades.  For whatever reason, I do better when I have a set time frame to do a task.  Problem is, I am a procrastinator and a rationalizer.  If there are not firm deadlines, I tend to push the task to a later time.

Thus leading me to my first step to do what I set out to do this year.  I made a calendar that sets my time for each night, including putting a fixed time for my TV viewing.  Even though writing something down doesn't change anything, it sets something up in my brain that tells me to complete what I am working on, then move on.

Hopefully I will find this to be a successful solution and will get some new habits established.  We'll see,

There you have it, my riveting first weekly blog post.  I'll accept my Pulitzer at the end of the year.


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