Tuesday, March 7, 2017

Dear Younger Me

Dear Josh,

Here it is 2017 and I wanted to share some wisdom that I have been shown going on 35 years now.  Remember when all the talk was about flying cars by 1996? Remember when getting your drivers license seemed so far away?  Remember how class of 2000 seemed like it was forever in the future? Or maybe that heartbreak that seemed it would never get better?

I can safely say you survived all of those things and yet, still no flying cars.  The era of the Jetsons is yet among us, but something I am sure our future self will see.

Remember your first drum set in 6th grade?  Up till then you hadn't really stuck with anything, but I can tell you, you still play, although you might want to consider practicing more. Good news, you are still playing drums.

Almost 35 years I have been you.  You didn't know me then, but if you had I can guarantee you and I would have had some words.  Your heart then was much bigger than your head and your generosity bigger than your bank account.

Would I stop those things? Probably not, but your commitment to others, decisions based on things to come instead of your reality.  Don't do that.  Why were you so worried about making life happen?  You under appreciated being single.  Don't get me wrong, you are super happy now, you have a beautiful wife and 2 beautiful daughters.

Just in the last 9 years you have started to learn how to be a husband,  believe it or not, it is much harder than you ever thought it could be.  Who knew someone you love and married could have so many different opinions than you?  Could do the same task 100% different than you but somehow still be correct? Yep, you had no clue, but try to consider that sooner.

Stick with radio, (yeah, you realized your dream to be on radio) but at some point you thought it was too hard to continue and quit.  Bad idea.  Better idea, learn to say no when you are in your early 20's.  Sounds counter-intuitive, but you missed a lot of opportunities because you didn't say no.  It is ok to depart from your comfort zone.  Snellville is a wonderful place, but your life can continue elsewhere.

When you are in high school and you think French is too hard, ride it out, you are much better at it than Spanish.  When you are in your 20's and you want to travel to France for ministry work, you will wish you had stayed with it.  You will also wish you had gone.  Don't make up reasons to stay in the US.  She won't be it, it will be ok.

When you are 15, just don't, you'll know when you get there, but don't.

Friends, yeah you never had a lot of close friends, you still don't and that is ok.  Remember though, friends are people you get along with, not the ones in the right social circle.  You missed out on some friendships because you were too worried about stupid things.

You are a nerd, it's ok.  There is a reason you had to show your teacher how to use a computer when you were 10, stick with it, that does pay off.

When you are 13, there internet will blow your mind. You have no idea how to handle the new found world, again, don't, you will know when you get there, but don't.  It is amazing and you will be good at it, it will help you in your jobs, but it is also evil and can destroy many things. You will have to learn the hard way, we are like that.

When you are in 10th grade and the youth pastor ask if anyone is not sure of their salvation, make sure he sees you, go find him afterwards, don't put it off.  When your family joins the church a few months later, don't get baptized.  Wait until you know.  You are on the right track, let the Holy Spirit direct you, while asking Jesus into your heart sounds great and believing that Jesus is the Son of God, that's not quite it.  Have someone explain the law to you.

DON'T BUY THE HOUSE! You won't believe me, but the housing market will seem perfect, but trust me, stay put! It will not work out, please trust me. Just don't.  Today me will thank you.

Also, what's with you buying all of those cars?  Stick with 1 or 2.  You will have plenty of time to buy cars.  It doesn't really help you and the reasons you got rid of them are dumb.  Just don't.  Again, getting rid of the Volvo, bad idea, getting your first Altima, good idea.

December 3, 2000, you don't have to do it by yourself, God has you and you will be safe.  Reach out to your friends, talk to someone, it is ok, There will always be someone in a worse place then you, but that doesn't mean you don't need help.  It is ok to be scared and sad and angry and all those emotions, work through them.  We don't need those feelings stored in our head.

Overall you did pretty good.  You made some good choices.  drum line, one of your best decisions.  Senior Prom, senior year, you spent that time well.  In middle school, learning to ignore criticisms and being picked on, you were right in not letting that consume your time and thoughts. 3rd grade reading.  When you decided we loved to read, one of the best things we have ever done. Don't let that get away from us.

Trust Mom and Dad, you will figure this out later, but they know more then you think.  Be kind to others, reach out to people who seem like they need someone, you will not be worse for finding more friends.

Don't worry about hitting 200lb.  You will get there and then you will wish it back.  Enjoy being skinny.  

Josh, you made us who we are today, but let's take what we learned and share it with others while there is time.  Learning from our mistakes makes us wiser, but with that wisdom, we need to tell others, let them learn from ours, so when they are older, they can look back their old self and realize the land mines they dodged.  Stop them from taking that first step on the slippery slope.

Above all else, Josh, let God lead you sooner, that way you can tell others sooner and we don't waste so much time with distractions and filling out heads with ungodly things.

Until we meet again,
